Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sorry for the delay.

Sorry for the delay. I know, I know I haven't posted on my blog for a long time but now I am. I have been gone for a while and you know why? First of all, I have been able to post just because I found out that there is a way to get of my cage and I have been using this manner of escaping to post. Well, Seth found and blocked it forever. I have some good news though, I found another way to get out and now I will be in the posting business again. This is an update on my life and I am not going to right a whole page worth of junk because it is 3:00 a'clock in the morning, almost time for Seth's Grandad to get up and Tumnus wants a turn too so I am going to have to get off but see you next time I post.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Back Again

I am back again, and it has been so long since I have put normal post. I am getting sick of writng the my history stuff, so I decided to write a normal post. I have been doing my normal things around my cage, and guess what, I have found out a good game to play with Tumnus. It is called 'Dump the Water' and it is a game where we count to ten and then we see who is the first one to dump the water bowl. Usually, I win, but sometimes Tumnus wins. There a detour to that though, because then we lose our water and we usually play at night since we are nocturnal, we are about to die of thirst when Morgan and Seth finally come to get us water. The reward is to get all of your own sunflower seeds and give it to the winner. Today, Seth took out my rag because I wasn't using very much and I was just waiting for the day when he would take it out because at first I wanted it because Tumnus had one. But when I finally got one, I didn't have room for it so he took it out. Seth managed to finally get a new bag of kitty litter but it smell rather strange and is harder than the other kind. It is almost 4:00 and that is about the time Seth's parents wake so I got to get off. Bye-bye!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My History: Part 4

To continue my history, you know that I got put in the highest part of the closet and I was scared to death for I am not only scared of enclosed areas, I am scared of heights! I finally got over my fear and days turned into normal days. I missed all of my cousins, aunts, uncles and bla bla bla. I even thought it would be nice to see Tumnus, but I did not know yet that he was in the very house, even in the room next door! Back then was what I called the golden ages. I know that that sounds a lot the Middle Ages, but they were golden to me. Every time Seth came into his room he would get me out and play with me on the top of his bunk bed. It was so fun although I never liked it back then because I was spoiled to death. It was fun but I wanted to explore the house and see what it looked like. One night, Seth took me out for what I thought was going to be either he was cleaning my cage or getting me out to play. But it was something different. Seth got me out but instead of playing with me, he took me to the room next door. I was so excited! I was finally going to see the house! He took me in the room next door and there I saw Tumnus, but his cage was much, much more different than mine. It was a small cage with only two little containers that had water in one, food in the other and a small rag . From then on I was not half as spoiled as I once was because I noticed that I was the one with the richer owner and not Tumnus. (although I still hate him) I want to tell you something, that was the only time in my life I felt sorry for because-well, that is later on in my story. For a long time nothing happened in the Golden Age but eating, sleeping in my mushroom, running in my wheel until one terrible night I was just dieing to explore so I put my fear of heights behind me. All night long I was working away at the door of my cage and suddenly I heard something that was familiar to me, the sound of the door when Seth opens it. I knew I was going to be able to get out now and explore the house finally. I sneaked without trying to wake Seth's little brother up. Seth was still up and doing something and I knew that so before I jumped to the ground I would make my plans of how and where to hide if Seth did happen to come and get in bed. Once I had made my plans of where to go I got ready to jump. I was so dumb back then and didn't even think about how much it had to fall from Seth's, and to add on to that I didn't even think that this was double the height I had fallen before. Will I jump, or will I be too afraid to? If I do jump, will I die, or will I knock out like last time? We will see in our next episode of My History Part 5

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My History: Part 3

To continue my story(by the way, the reason I have not been able to write is because Tumnus found out that I wrote at night and he said that he would scream if I got out again) I was a frisky, bratty hamster so this is what happened. I had managed to fall asleep in the damp, dark box but I was awakened by my new owner, Seth. He picked me up and I was so scared that my body did anything it could to get out of the tight grasp of Seth. Finally, I muscled my way through his smelly fingers and I thought that I was free. In a way I was free, but it wasn't the kind of free I was looking for, I was free falling! I hit the ground hard and, being a very small hamster at that time, I was knocked unconscience. Seth told me this part, while I was unconscience Seth very quickly picked me up and started panicking, Because he thought I was dead. But, since I am pretty tough I got out of my unconsciesness, and Seth stopped panicking. I learned a lesson that day, never, never, never jump out of a person's hand, even when it seems like their hands have been in the garbage. After all of that trouble, I finally got in my new cage. Now, back then I thought that cage was wonderful. I had my mushroom to sleep in, my wheel to run in, and it smelled wonderful. Three changes have happned since that time. One, my cage stinks so bad that whenever Seth's parents go by me they complain about the horrible smell that not even Seth can clean out. Two, I do not fit in my mushroom so I have to sleep behind my wheel now. Three, I can't fit in my wheel anymore. Back to my story, I was terrified. I loved my cage for it was not cramped like my other one I had back at the pet store but Seth picked the worst possible spot in the whole house, his closet!! Well that is all the time I have now but, I will be back with my history. See you next time.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My History: Part 2

This is the continued story from last post. Which one of these groups were correct? Well one day I had the chance to figure it out. It was a normal day, my daily fight with my brothers and sisters and then I went to sleep. What my dad told happened during that time was this. I was sound asleep when Seth came in with his dad and sister. They were in the pet store for about a half an hour when they decided to get a cage for me and Tumnus.(his sister wanted to buy one too.) Now we are back to the part that I remember. My owner who I have already mentioned his name in the last post got me out and put me in a dark box that let no light in at all. My owner just to make fun of me poked a couple of holes in the box. I chewed as mush as I could but I couldn't get the hole large enough so I was torchered because I hate being enclosed in small spots. A couple of minutes later we were in this terrible storm outside. Seth walked until we got to the car and by that time the rain had soaked the dark box and it was dripping on to me. We got in the car and I had a terrible time because Seth had no idea that hampsters hate being rocked around so I had a terrible, rocky trip. When I got to their house( I call it their house for back then I thought I was going to be crushed at some factory) and after some more waiting in the box Seth had set up my cage. I want to tell you one thing before I tell this part, I was a frisky, bratty hampster back then so do not be suprised at what I do right now.

To Be Continued...

My History: Part 1

I guess that Seth told you about my rockiest ride ever so I am going to start somethng called my history. It will take about ten posts but it is very interesting so here I go. My life started out living in a nice, quiet cage with my good ol' mother. Then I got taken out of that nice, quiet room and those humans left my mother in the room. One human, named Carlos(yes, I know spanish) put me in a large cage that was made of glass. There were all sorts of my relatives. My uncles, my aunts, my nice cousins,(except Tumnus) my grandads and grandmas. My grandparents were storytellers and they could tell myths and they told true stories that had happened in that very cage. One thing that not even they could explain was that many of their friends had been taken away and nobody knew where they got taken to. Some said that they got taken to the crusher where they got crushed and eaten for the human's breakfast.Some said that they got put in another cage to live somewhere else.Some of the others said that got taken to an arena to fight a bull. Which one of these groups are correct? We will have to find out in the next post. See you later alligator!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Trapped in a cage FOREVER!!

And that is too true,trapped in a cage FOREVER!! I have a very bad feeling telling me I always will be. We have been at Caracas for some time now,2 days. Do you know what, on Saturday night, my dad got me out and there was this awesome movie they were watching and it had just begun. Anyway, he had me out of my cage and I was really getting into it when he put me back in my cage!! Tumnus keeps on bragging how he got to see it all and another thing he likes bragging about is how much his mom picks him up. My dad picks me up only three times and he always brags that his mom picks him up TEN TIMES!! You know how I hated my newspaper if you read my last post.Well, I was so bored that I ate most all of it one to get it out of my way, and two, it tastes really good.Got to go now, I still have time to chew on the mouse cord so bye-bye.

Friday, February 16, 2007

My new blog!!

Yes, my new blog!! My brat of a cousin got one just to make fun of me so I decided to get one too.(and if you don't agree with me that he is a brat, one time he bit his mommy.) Well, for these last days nothing has been happening except that my dad finally changed MY CAGE!! A couple of weeks ago, I had a nice cage with dirt in it and then when it was time to change the cage my skinny, peuny dad took away my precious dirt! He had an empty cage with nothing but food and water in it! Anyway, he knew that I did not like it very much so he put something in it, and it was paper! If you are reading, this dad, I hope that you know now I do not like paper in my cage. It is so unfair! Tumnus has a nice, snug blanky to sleep in and I don't have one!(and Tumnus teases me so much about it!) Today, we came to Caracas and on the way here I could have puked! My big, dumb dad didn't put a seat belt on my cage and the cage was rocking everywhere. To add on to it, they were listening to Narnia and it was blaring loud, good grief! Since we are are in Caracas, you are probably wondering how in the world I am writing. Well, I sneaked out of my cage and I took great effort to climb up My daddy's , Grandfather's desk. You know what, I am batting two hours trying to wright, and my dad's brother wants to get on, so see you next time, Tubbo.